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How do you become a millionaire?

To be successful with money, Ramsey said, you have to have a game plan — a fact underscored by the National Study of Millionaires conducted by Ramsey Solution. It found that 99% of millionaires had long-term plans for their money, and the top five careers of millionaires are engineer, accountant (CPA), teacher, management and attorney.

Can you become a millionaire if you join the Millionaire Club?

There are a lot of millionaires in the U.S. You could become a millionaire too because joining the millionaire club is just a math equation involving time, the amount of money you save, and the rate of returns on your investments. The more money you save and the higher your rate of return, the quicker you'll become a millionaire.

Can you become a millionaire on an average income?

In reality, most millionaires are regular people, not all of whom bring home six- and seven-figure salaries. With a bit of common sense and discipline, you, too, can become a millionaire on an average income. The first step to becoming a millionaire is to understand the power of compound returns.

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